We all start with one foot in the grave at birth. Everyone is a ticking time bomb. So live life even though it hurts. It will all be over soon...

Age 29, Male

Hippy sponge

420 Your Animations Now.

Joined on 10/6/14

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mErZeE's News

Posted by mErZeE - November 29th, 2015

hello im merzee and im looking for a lady VA/VO artiest of half way good talent to help with a web comic dubing. if your into that sort of thing let me know with a PM. we can talk more about it then. only catch is you need to have Skype. Dont message me if you dont use it. ok. Cant wait to hear back from who ever is reading this. thank you for your time and good luck.  



Posted by mErZeE - November 22nd, 2015

hello all you invertabrothers, and people who arnt invertabrothers yet. for those of you out there that are likeing my read of grimtales, and want to see other videos by me have i got a good one to start with. i recently made a side quest explaining where im at and where im going. if you guys are curious about the future of Grimtales this vid may be your light in the darkness.





Posted by mErZeE - October 16th, 2015


heres one of my creepy pasta readings. for pasta fest. just thoght all would like to see whats beem keeping me away. if you like these i guess i could link them all. eh... send me your feedback. i love hearing from people.

Posted by mErZeE - October 7th, 2015

WOW! a whole year. i cant believe it. all passing fast like n shit. well it was a lot of work, and hell im still finding my footing. made a lot of friends in the course of this past year. made a few enemys too. (SWIGITY ^.^) lets see... ive been in 6 animations. some of wich are still on production. became a paid VA/VO. ive made allmost 100 videos on youtube. 36 subs! honestly impressed with that because i have been doing yutube way less time then this. ive got plans to do way more. maybe even bring back some gaming to the channel. i guess if i got any thing from this is a refreshed sence of life, an outlet for all my frustration, and the ability to see people for who they are. you realy learn who your real friends are. and i think im geting to the end of sifting thrugh the turds in my life. so to all you out there that made my year special. Thanks! all this would not be if it wernt for those people puting up with a lame little baby VA. now ive got some chops, and i cant wait to use them in another year of makeing content for your viewing plesure.

MeRzEe Will Never Die  

Posted by mErZeE - September 8th, 2015

MeRzEe here bringing you and update on shit im doing. and let me tell you its been used. im now sitting on a crap load of content because starting on the 1st of october ill be doing a countdown to halloween. join us every day for a new creepypasta reading by yours truely. some haveing my voice acting talents in them. then at the end of the month we will be haveing a toast to the month on the 31st because october is soooooo hella as hall. there will also be a costume contest featured on the video. so if you go to http://captainmerzee.tumblr.com/ to post your awsome costumes directly where i can see them. the prize for winning...hmmmmm braging rights and the big pic on this acount. ok well good luck too all and see you on the first!

Posted by mErZeE - July 27th, 2015

hello invertabrothers MeRzEe here. just wanted to show off my new episode of grim tales from down below. after lots of setbacks ive finally finshed it. if you like it you there are new episodes every monday.




merzee out

Posted by mErZeE - June 26th, 2015

Hay invertabrothers MeRzEe your connoisseur of awesomeness, and today im bringing you something cool for you to feast yur eye balls on. what is that you ask? well olny the sweetest live event ever to grace this earth. I MeRzEe will be playing batma Arkham knights with my brother the great Lolkirby99. now im shure you asking yourself "how do I get invited to this thing Now?" well ill tell ya. If you show up to this link http://www.twitch.tv/lolkirby99/profile
on 6/26/2015 starting at 2:00 pm - till we pass out. we will be playing it. no invites needed. with this we will be bring back all the old fun of past streams as we play. mad libs with words given by you lovely people and of curse votes on upgrades when we cant decide. every other chapter we will take a 10 min. intermission so you can go to the lobby and get the snackage. this will be evdry day till we beat it. cant wait to get this started see you at the show.

MeRzEe out

I await your bats

Posted by mErZeE - June 21st, 2015

Hay all you Newgrounds lovies MeRzEes Hooooome! so im ready to start work on the randome stuff you crazies send me. ill do any thing from a man thatlives in the stars to a moo.(Yeah i typed that right) just about any thing but porn. im not climbing to the top that way damit. to all the people that im working with now if you have any re-takes you need me to do please send them via PM or skype how ever you send them. as for any new stuff from new peeps my e-mail is vasthonk@outlook.com or you can PM me at any time. jobs are handeled in inbox order unless like Egorapter was all like "fuck man you sound like sex. will you make me the happiest man alive and voice in my animation." as for old peeps with new stuffs. you know how it works. ill get it done with the same old MeRzEe style. If you missed my trip to didny worl you can see that here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5W79YyYGKw&index=2&list=PLZFLK5urWUmeQYtu-2QZPJ2TK0x_szKQv (AHHHHHHHH A LINK)

not to be all self promotion and what now but.... If you like my stuff feel free to drop a sub my way. you help me get closer to touchuing the stars with each one. now that the promotional barfing is done. i look forword to hearing from all you lovely creators. if you keep being you ill keep being me. agreed. Good. rember it all started with a mouse, and every prosess has a genius, and ends with a revilation.

MeRzEe out.


I lie in wait for you Mice Puuurrrrr

Posted by mErZeE - June 9th, 2015

Hay every one guess what. Its here! Its finally here please enjoy this special compilation while im away at didny worl. ill be poasting stuff here every day to keep you up to date on the fun im having so you wont be left out of the magic. this one goes out to the people who support me and keep me going in this crazy world of video creation.


MeRzEe out.

Posted by mErZeE - June 1st, 2015

Hello hello im MeRzEe your connoisseur of awesomeness. sence my last message ive recorded the new Lord English, and found a person to make portal city. we have no date as of yet but being summer we will have all the time in the world to make it hot. now as for the channel thing. well if yu like games and like watching people play them and talk about it then omg look a link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxmUbeSIWSYl57_fDJTU8A Holy shit where did that thing come from?! I try to make videos as quality as the dick is long. still game for any cool projects if you have any that need a merzee then you can summen me by calling out to me three times, or droping a message in my pm. theres also this thing called email if you whana take that rute use this. vasthonk@outlook.com Well thats all i get time for tuns of crap ive gotta pat down before i leave for FL and go to Disney World. This is MeRzEe sighing off

See you space cowboy