Hay all you Newgrounds lovies MeRzEes Hooooome! so im ready to start work on the randome stuff you crazies send me. ill do any thing from a man thatlives in the stars to a moo.(Yeah i typed that right) just about any thing but porn. im not climbing to the top that way damit. to all the people that im working with now if you have any re-takes you need me to do please send them via PM or skype how ever you send them. as for any new stuff from new peeps my e-mail is vasthonk@outlook.com or you can PM me at any time. jobs are handeled in inbox order unless like Egorapter was all like "fuck man you sound like sex. will you make me the happiest man alive and voice in my animation." as for old peeps with new stuffs. you know how it works. ill get it done with the same old MeRzEe style. If you missed my trip to didny worl you can see that here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5W79YyYGKw&index=2&list=PLZFLK5urWUmeQYtu-2QZPJ2TK0x_szKQv (AHHHHHHHH A LINK)
not to be all self promotion and what now but.... If you like my stuff feel free to drop a sub my way. you help me get closer to touchuing the stars with each one. now that the promotional barfing is done. i look forword to hearing from all you lovely creators. if you keep being you ill keep being me. agreed. Good. rember it all started with a mouse, and every prosess has a genius, and ends with a revilation.
MeRzEe out.
I lie in wait for you Mice Puuurrrrr